
Application Performance Monitor (APM)
Identify and resolve issues that cause applications to be down for your users. Quick detection of network, protocol and service failures, process and batch tasks, plus alerts on SNMP traps
Network Performance Monitor (NPM)
Trace serial data such as CPU load or bandwidth usage. Collect, analyze, and measure performance data for SNMP compliant devices in near real-time. Prediction of saturation, classification of the interface ports by use and calculation of the losses and latencies of different equipment.


Application Performance Monitor (APM)
Identify and resolve issues that cause applications to be down for your users. Quick detection of network, protocol and service failures, process and batch tasks, plus alerts on SNMP traps
Network Performance Monitor (NPM)
Trace serial data such as CPU load or bandwidth usage. Collect, analyze, and measure performance data for SNMP compliant devices in near real-time. Prediction of saturation, classification of the interface ports by use and calculation of the losses and latencies of different equipment.

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